Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Break

I probably don’t need to mention the fact that I have not been blogging for the last couple of weeks (all though I guess I just did).  I have taken a much-needed break for me and have taken a bit of time for me.

The last couple of weeks have been a disappointment for me.  I have gained weight…I haven’t been training for my 5K…I haven’t done any of my March Challenge…and I have had zero desire to workout out or continue this journey.

This is all going to change as of today.  I am re-doing my March Challenge as the April Challenge, I vow to lose weight and not cheat, I will rock my 5K with a time of 40 mins or less and I will make no excuses for doing the things that I know needs to be done.  I am re-committing myself to me. I don’t have time to not take care of myself…now is My Time.  I need to do this.

In the last couple of weeks however I have in a sense pampered myself. I have gotten my hair did…bought some clothes that fit my changing body…bought a spin bike for my apartment (now I really have no excuse) and have celebrated the things that have changed other than the number on the scale. If you don’t mind I would love to share some with you.

I have lost over 8 inches.

I can do my choreo full out every time for my students to learn

I can demonstrate break dancing skills to my students

I can swim for 2 km straight

I can bike over 30 miles in less than an hour

I have more energy

I am wearing jeans I have not worn for over a year and a half

I have to get my glasses and watch re-sized so they stop falling off

I am running a 5k

These are just some of the things that I am happy for.  It is important to look back on these and think and reflect knowing that all your hard work is bringing more than just a number on the scale even though it is so easy to focus on that aspect of the journey.

I continue to thank everyone for your continued encouragement.  I am ready to get back on the horse and ride 100%.

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